It's obvious to almost any intelligent person that Romney ate Obama's lunch in the debate Wednesday night, and it caught the so-called "main stream" media by surprise and put them in shock. Romney wasn't the bumbling idiot they had hoped for.
Most of the day Thursday following the debate they were trying to figure out what went wrong. Even those who support Obama were asking themselves "what happened to him?" They began to give some excuses for Obama's shortcomings, but nothing sounded valid, just their "spin."
Now it's Friday and they have a new tone at the liberal "main stream;" they finally regrouped and all got on the same page, attacking Romney for all it's worth. They must have a liberal play book out there somewhere. The fact is, that most of us who have brains (which includes most people) aren't fooled by them.
Why can't we just stand back and look at both candidates objectively. We need to ask ourselves a few questions:
Where do the candidates stand on the issues that mean the most to our country? (getting the economy moving again and attacking our out of control national debt.)
Where do they stand on issues that are moral and decent? (for or against abortion and gay marriage.)
Where they stand on Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
Where they stand on spreading of the wealth of those who have worked hard all their lives to those who have not.
Where they stand on keeping our national defenses strong in order to deter or even prevent aggression by others nations.
What is the political philosophy they espouse? Capitalism or maybe Socialism. Which is best for America?
Is more debt for this country and higher taxes and medical cost of interest to you?
Do you feel you owe allegiance to some particular political party, or are you a free thinker who votes for the best candidate for America and the future generations who will have to live with what we give them?
I think it's time we get serious about our future and that of our posterity. Do we care what happens to our children and grandchildren after we're gone?
If our predecessors didn't care, we wouldn't have it so good, but they did care and blessed us with a great nation, praying that we could keep it.
Vote from what's in your heart. Give it serious thought. We're at a point that doesn't allow us to be careless with who we install in the highest office in the land. And think of this, usually whoever is elected for president will sweep in a large number of people of the same party into congress. Many people vote a straight Democrat or straight Republican ticket. I, personally, vote for the candidate that I believe will be best in each office (based on as much knowledge as I can find on each).
If we don't get it right, our posterity will have to suffer for our mistakes.
God bless,
Current events: Politics, Religion and all in between.