Heartline Commentary

Current events: Politics, Religion and all in between.

Monday, August 8, 2016

Election in November

Why NO one should vote for Hillary!

This is my opinion after living in America all my life (80 years).

Whoever the next president is, he or she will likely appoint several judges; both on the Supreme Court and other Federal Courts. Liberals appoint Liberal judges.
Conservatives appoint Conservative judges.

We now have an even balance, which means when a new judge is appointed, the Supreme Court will be biased in one direction.

With Hillary, it will be in the Liberal direction. Will that be what you want, or the opposite to what you want?

Think about this seriously! The imbalance of the Court by Hillary's appointments will cause all Americans to have to live with her choices for many years to come. Not good!

This country has declined in morality much too far already and we need to get back to common sense morals that we all know are right.

Hillary cannot be trusted to tell the truth.

She will keep ObamaCare which most Americans hate. The costs will continue to escalate.

She is "pro-choice" which will continue to make this country guilty for allowing the killing of the unborn.

She, like most liberals, will raise taxes to try to get more money in the budget. That is not the way to pay off some of our national debt.

Cutting taxes will help business flourish and hire more workers. The government will receive more tax money from workers without raising tax rates and there will be greater prosperity in the land.

Like Obama, Hillary is in favor of allowing all sorts of deviant life styles, men with men, women with women, what will come next. Soon our children won't know what or who they are or where they came from. It is impossible for two men to produce a baby. It is impossible for two women to produce a baby. So where will the future generations come from?

There are so many other things, but I think, if you think, you get what I'm saying.

Pray for this nation.


Thursday, December 17, 2015


If you are a born-again believer in Jesus Christ, and are having trouble going to sleep at night; filled with anxiety over events around you, let’s think it through. Will your staying awake worrying actually fix the problem? You have a Savior who wants to help you with all your trials, just waiting for you to relax and turn it all over to Him.

I picture it like this: A mother sits in a rocking chair holding her little one and rocks her baby to sleep. The baby has no worries, perhaps just a little discomfort, but in a short time the baby is asleep. That’s how we should be as believers in the Great God who made the universe and all that is in it for the habitation of man on this magnificent planet we call earth.

What do we have to worry about? The Bible says of God, “He gives his beloved sleep.” What qualifies us as His beloved? Accepting Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior.

An elderly black lady, a long time ago, put it like this: “Worry is like sitting in a rocking chair. There’s lots of agitation, but you don’t get nowhere.”

Have you ever heard Allison Crouse’s song “In the palm of His hand?” Besides making even grown men cry, it shows where we should always be, in God’s hand. He is our heavenly Father and he loves us much-much more than anyone else can.

Why fret and worry over things that go on about us, over which we have little or no control, when we can (and are told to in the Bible) cast all our cares upon Jesus, for He cares for us.

Have a blessed life “in His hands.”

J. Hartline

Friday, December 4, 2015

Terrorist attacks

Terrorist attacks, whatever the source, take the lives of innocent people usually without any advance warning. I am not writing this to instill fear in anyone, but to encourage those among us who have been putting off establishing a relation to God through Jesus, that there is an urgency now that perhaps wasn’t as evident as it is today.

I remember when I was young, I thought I had more time to make a decision to serve God, so a couple of times that I felt the tug upon my heart, I didn’t act on it. In fact, it took a crisis in my life to finally cause me to realize that I needed a relationship with God. Ever since I accepted Jesus into my life, I have had the assurance that when I die, I will have eternal life with Him.

That’s not all I gained, I found a new calmness in my life, not fearing the unknown, or what might be happening in my future; that is all in God’s capable hands. My thinking and my speech were also cleaned up; my interest in the well-being of others was increased, and there were too many other improvements in my life to list here.

A number of Christians have been killed in the attacks that have already occurred in America, and it is possible there will be more. It is too late to establish a relation with Jesus after you are dead. The time to surrender your life to His care is now. “Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.” 2 Corinthians 6:2b.

When you are living your life for the Lord, there is peace that you never experienced before. Bad things can still happen, but you can deal with them knowing God is with you.

Let’s pray that there will be no more terrorist attacks, but if there are, we will be able trust God and to know that He will take care us.

Suggested prayer:

Lord, I surrender my life to you and I ask you to receive me into your kingdom here on earth and help me to live for you and serve you in all that I do. Teach me to love you and follow you for the rest of my life and to live with you in eternity. Amen.

Make a habit of reading your Bible some every day, starting in the New Testament book of John.

Monday, November 30, 2015

Creator of all things!

Many of us just wander through life, enjoying ourselves, without giving a thought to “what it’s all about?”

I don’t remember how old I was when I began to question the origin of life. I learned early-on that death was a real thing. I shot a bird with an air rifle and then tried to wake it up and it wouldn’t. It was never to fly again.

I had a sister who was still-born and a second sister that lived about three days. I went to both funerals, but at between five and six years old, I didn’t understand it very well.

When I was in seventh grade, the recognized “smartest” kid in my class was killed in a hunting accident, and I attended his funeral. It was one of the saddest days of my life. While I was deeply grieved, my classmates were laughing and joking as if nothing had happened.

I was taught by my parents that God created everything, and I never doubted that it was true, but I really didn’t fully take it in. If you asked me did I believe in God I would instantly say “yes.” Even so, I wasn’t comfortable with talking about Jesus, or discussing God with anyone. I just believed God was there because it made sense. Everything about life screams out that there is a creator; how else could it exist. If there is a creator, then He is God.

I was taken to church as a child, and enjoyed the music and tolerated the preaching. I liked Sunday-school, and the fellowship of those who came. When I was older, I taught Sunday- school at several churches, and I studied the Bible, but I certainly didn’t understand it as well as I wanted to. I believe, in retrospect, that I had blinders on my understanding so that I couldn’t fully understand what was written there.

When I was about seventeen years old, the pastor’s son, Paul, and I were out walking in the evening and the subject of belief in “Christ,” came up. Paul said to me, “Jim, you’ve got to give your life to the Lord.” I replied, “I want to, but how do you do it?” He answered, “You just give it to Him.” Paul kept insisting, “You just give it to Him. I know now, that he didn’t understand it any better than I did.

When I was thirty-nine years old, a travelling minister from Canada came to my wife’s hometown and was teaching at a home-fellowship meeting. He started by saying: “You must be born again.” I had heard that term all my life, but it never penetrated my thinking, until then.

I listened to the reading of the verses in the Bible and I decided to pray silently to accept Jesus as my Savior and I asked Him to cause me to be born again. Nothing happened that I could recognize immediately, but the next day, as I was going to work, I realized that my entire direction, of what I wanted to do, had changed. I was no longer interested in just living day-to-day for my own pleasure; instead, all I wanted to do was find out more about God.

I read my Bible every chance I got and did a lot of deep Bible study. I even took a course in Greek and one in Hebrew, so I could read the verses in the original language to better understand them.

Beginning with the day after I accepted Jesus, I started noticing things in nature that I had never seen before. I was installing a new radio station and had to drive out 20 miles in all directions, every three degrees and specific distances (like the spokes of a wagon wheel) to make strength measurements. I kept coming across plants, insects, little animals and all sorts of other things that I had never noticed before.

The night before we accepted Jesus into our lives, my wife and I were reading a scripture in the Bible over and over and we couldn’t understand what it meant. However, the next evening, we sat down and read the same scripture and both of us understood it easily.

I believe that people who do not have a personal relationship with Jesus have blinders on their minds so that they do not fully realize that He is really there. Until one seeks for God with all their heart, they will not find Him. We must mentally hunger and thirst after God to really come to believe in Him. Once we exercise our faith to believe, He will confirm it to us in so many ways. It has been almost forty years since I accepted Christ and I am surer of Jesus today than ever before.
--Jay Hartline


As I was praying, the following thought came to me:

There is almost not one among us Americans that would not want our fellow Americans to treat us in the way that is laid down in the word of God, the Bible. Yet there are many who would do the opposite toward others.

Let us seek to order our lives toward others as we would have them order their lives toward us. (That is a paraphrase of the golden rule; “Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.”) We all know that!

So, could we just get on with it and bring our nation back to the sanity of our forefathers and the precepts of God?

The Creator is smarter than the collective minds of all his creation.
--Jay Hartline

Friday, January 11, 2013


I served in the United States Army and fired an M-1 rifle with a rating of “expert.” I have never been a hunter, and I never owned a firearm in my life until a few months ago, when I purchased a shotgun. It is for protecting our home and property only. This is what we are authorized to do by the Constitution of the United States, and this is why the vast majority of gun-holders have guns. 

I was taught by my father to never point a gun at anyone unless you planned to kill them. This was to implant it forever in my mind that, even if it “wasn’t loaded,” you don’t point it at another person. That is how a lot of accidents have happened, thinking it wasn’t loaded when it actually was.

For this country to remain safe from those who would want to war against us, it is necessary for people to be armed. It is also a very good deterrent to anyone who might break into your home. 

If our government is able to accomplish what many of our leaders are calling for, we will soon be at the mercy of any enemy who wishes to come to our shores and attack us.

I am speaking of all the proposals for “gun control.” 

We must let our representatives in Congress know our desires concerning this issue or the law abiding citizens will soon be without a means to defend themselves and their families, while corrupt individuals will still have their arms and can rob us or kill us, or take over this country.

Without arms, will be set up to become a police state, with those presently in office in charge of what the police do and we will be at their mercy (of which they will have very little). 

China wants the U.S. to take all firearms away from individual citizens. Why would they want that? Is that so, whenever they decide to take over our country, they could walk in without firing a shot?

Those who came from Europe to settle the “new world” were all armed. They knew how important it was to be able to defend themselves and their new country from aggression. What is different about today?

You might think that there are more people wrongly using firearms now than in previous years, but the fact is, if you look at the number of people killed each year by the violence of others, it hasn’t increase all that much. We do have more mass killings than before, but those are people who are either crazy or on drugs, or just want to go out in ablaze of “glory.” They are not your average law-abiding citizens.

I am for steps to protect all people from atrocities, but I am not for disarming the entire population so that we have no defense. We can’t rely on our Police or service men, as effective as they are, because they could be out-numbered by enemies attacking our country. 

Keeping the people armed makes those who would do us harm afraid to attack us. Ronald Reagan built up our armed forces and missile defense as a means to deter aggression from our enemies, and it worked.

I love living in peace. We have long enjoyed peace on these shores to a great degree, but in a brief amount of time, that could be taken away, and we must be prepared to defend ourselves against it.

Those in Washington who are trying to take our guns are the same crowd that said: “Never let a good crisis go to waste.” They have wanted, for a long time, to disarm the population, so they are trying to seize upon the most recent killing-spree as a means to pass the legislation to do away with our means of defense. 


Tuesday, December 11, 2012


I'm glad to see that Michigan is changing to a "Right to Work" state. The unions have ruined the economy there by their high wages and demands that no group of people should ever be allowed to exercise over others. 

Unions started out with a good purpose in mind, because big factories were not paying their workers a decent wage. The unions broke that up and that was a good thing. Now the unions have expanded their hold on their workers to such a degree that the workers are supporting things they don't believe in just to keep their high paying jobs. Most, if not all, support the Democrats. But suppose you have a Republican union member. His dues also go to support Democrat candidates. Is that fair? You know it isn't.

The America free enterprise system exist to give every worker a fair shot at being successful in whatever occupation he (or she) desires. For any organization to have the power over who can work in a state is anti-American. People should be able to work in whatever occupation they are qualified for without the harassment of a union. 

I have seen some really nasty battles between unions and management in my life; some of them ending in death to some of the union members and the management side. Tempers get so heated up that people do to others that which they should never do, and they end up in prison or worse, losing their lives because of murdering another.

In America, the constitution insists that "all men are created equal." Not so in the big labor unions, they want to rule. God forbid.

President Obama is 100% behind the unions, when he should be supporting the "right to work." That's why I used the expression: "DON'T SHARE THE WEALTH, SHARE THE WORK." Give equal opportunity for everyone.

We need our president to be on the side of what is right, and not just those who supported him in the election. This is why I didn't support him; I know what side he is on and by the time this term is up, so will everyone in the country, because he has very little restraint on him. His big push in the next two years will be to get back control of the House of Representatives. If we allow this, he will go out in a "blaze of victory," bringing America to its knees.

We need to work diligently to win, not only the House, but the Senate as well so that the president's free-reign will be brought into balance as the founders intended.

My opinion.


Friday, November 9, 2012


It seems that natural calamities have increased a lot in recent times; hurricane intensity, unusual snow storms, nor-easter, earthquakes, volcanic activity, etc.  Many are concerned about what is causing them. 

I'm beginning to agree somewhat with those who are claiming that climate change is partially caused by humans. However, before you think I have lost my mind, I am not referring to CO2 or Greenhouse gases, or any other type emissions from human activity; those have such a small effect that the natural system that God set up for this marvelous planet takes care of.

So what in the world could I mean by what I said in the opening line of this blog? To put it into a single statement: God cannot bless a nation of disinterested, foolish, corrupt people, bent on doing their own thing, in spite of what God set in order in creation.

First, many do not believe there is a God. They think their ancestors were slime from the ocean, but think about who put the ocean there. Take it a step further, who made the universe that supports life on this extremely unique planet that all humans call home? No matter how far you go back, you cannot prove how it all happened, but one thing is for sure, there had to be intelligence behind it, and that points to a creator, which is the only true God.

So what happens when we turn our backs on God and go our own foolish way, having what we think is "fun" or pleasure to satisfy our flesh? Well, God is merciful and slow to anger, but there comes a point when He removes His hand of protection from us and leaves us to whatever befalls us. This I call "cause and effect."

There is marvelous order to this creation, so we may fare well at times and at others we may have to take it in the chin, but I believe that when we acknowledge God through Jesus, He protects us from all kind of "traps" that we could fall into.

When we do things in direct opposition to God's word, He has no obligation to protect us any longer.

For example: If we leave the natural use of a woman and burn in our hearts for other men, this is against his natural order. The same applies to women with women.

The natural way is the only way that human beings can propagate the species, i.e., have offspring. For those who don't understand, I mean for a man and a woman to have babies so human beings do not die off by attrition.

Many people are bent on destroying life before it ever becomes manifest. I speak of the heinous crime of abortion. This is against our U. S. Constitution, yet our president supports it. Knowing this, it is beyond me how he got re-elected. Now we will have four more years on the slippery-slope.

More serious is that abortion is against God. It is an act of murder, which God speaks against in the ten commandments. (This is why so many, such as the ACLU, would try to remove the ten commandment from our schools and public places. They would like to do away with God himself, but He will have the last say.)

You can never get rid of God. Humans will all die at some point and will have to face the judgment of God. Will you be able to stand? Only if you have accepted Jesus as your savior and surrendered you life to His care.

I believe that when we are faithful to God, He protects us from many disastrous things that come into our lives. He said: "In this world you have tribulation, but be of good cheer,I have overcome the world."

Those who have never surrendered to God have blinders on their minds and cannot even believe in Him. It takes a desire to take a "leap of faith" to embrace Him so He can take the blinders away. I know, because I experienced this myself.

When I was thirty-nine years old, I accepted Jesus as my Savior. The day before, I had interest only   in my own pursuits. The day after, my entire direction changed. I despised the life I had been living and loved the things of God, which were so much more fulfilling, and in the end of my life on this earth, I will have eternal life. That's so much better than the pain and sorrow of living a life apart from God. I pray that you will seek Him with your whole heart, that you may find Him.

When those of us in this nation who are true Christians humble ourselves and pray, and seek God and turn from our wicked ways, He has promised that He will hear our prayers and HEAL OUR LAND.

God bless,


Friday, October 26, 2012

Decimation of America

It becomes more obvious every day that Barrack Obama’s record in office is failure. He set out to fundamentally change America, without saying just what he would change. We now see that almost all of the change that he has brought about is negative.

This month has seen a vast increase in applications for disability, probably because people just can’t get work and they have to put bread on the table. We must get America back to work.

The Obama team has brought this nation further down financially and he claims his plans will bring it back if only we will give him more time. That’s a dangerous choice, allowing him more time to get his dirty work done.

Realize that if he were to be re-elected, he would have a free hand to finish the decimation of America (fundamental change) without worrying about re-election (since he can only have two terms at most). This means we will see the real Barrack Obama at work, something we haven’t seen yet, and it may be a great shock to everyone, even those who have voted him in, that we will be turned into a socialist state.

This is something that we must not let happen. I have already voted and if all Christians will vote for the only moral and decent choice they have, we can stop this reign of devastation.

My opinion,

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Tuesday, October 23, 2012

October 22 Debate

The October 22 Presidential Debate was not much to crow about. Obama was a bully, coming on too strong, while Romney was Reagan-like. We've all seen so much of Obama in the almost four years in office and the campaign prior to the 2008 election and again in this campaign for the 2012 election that we know how he is. He seems very egocentric. Especially when he was talking to Romney like he didn't know what an aircraft carrier was. How arrogant can you be?

I like the straight answers that Romney gives, as opposed to the rhetoric that Obama spews out from his much practice of telling us half-truths and untruths, while doing secret or back-door deals and going around the Constitution and Congress, as if he was a king.

Billy Graham sent out a circular which we received today, asking Christians to vote according to Bible precepts. This speaks to abortion, same-sex marriage, and all the other ungodly things that Obama espouses.

It's an easy choice for me, and I fail to understand why some people would want to continue the same old garbage that we have endured for almost four years from the liberal establishment. We need to have some sanity and order in our government so we know what is really going on in Washington.

Transparency never materialized in the Obama presidency as he had promised. Let's give someone else the opportunity to get us back to normalcy. That would be Romney who is very capable of getting us back on a good foundation.

VOTE RESPONSIBLY! Let God be your guide.
