Current events: Politics, Religion and all in between.

Friday, December 4, 2015

Terrorist attacks

Terrorist attacks, whatever the source, take the lives of innocent people usually without any advance warning. I am not writing this to instill fear in anyone, but to encourage those among us who have been putting off establishing a relation to God through Jesus, that there is an urgency now that perhaps wasn’t as evident as it is today.

I remember when I was young, I thought I had more time to make a decision to serve God, so a couple of times that I felt the tug upon my heart, I didn’t act on it. In fact, it took a crisis in my life to finally cause me to realize that I needed a relationship with God. Ever since I accepted Jesus into my life, I have had the assurance that when I die, I will have eternal life with Him.

That’s not all I gained, I found a new calmness in my life, not fearing the unknown, or what might be happening in my future; that is all in God’s capable hands. My thinking and my speech were also cleaned up; my interest in the well-being of others was increased, and there were too many other improvements in my life to list here.

A number of Christians have been killed in the attacks that have already occurred in America, and it is possible there will be more. It is too late to establish a relation with Jesus after you are dead. The time to surrender your life to His care is now. “Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.” 2 Corinthians 6:2b.

When you are living your life for the Lord, there is peace that you never experienced before. Bad things can still happen, but you can deal with them knowing God is with you.

Let’s pray that there will be no more terrorist attacks, but if there are, we will be able trust God and to know that He will take care us.

Suggested prayer:

Lord, I surrender my life to you and I ask you to receive me into your kingdom here on earth and help me to live for you and serve you in all that I do. Teach me to love you and follow you for the rest of my life and to live with you in eternity. Amen.

Make a habit of reading your Bible some every day, starting in the New Testament book of John.