Election in November
Why NO one should vote for Hillary!
This is my opinion after living in America all my life (80 years).Whoever the next president is, he or she will likely appoint several judges; both on the Supreme Court and other Federal Courts. Liberals appoint Liberal judges.
Conservatives appoint Conservative judges.
We now have an even balance, which means when a new judge is appointed, the Supreme Court will be biased in one direction.
With Hillary, it will be in the Liberal direction. Will that be what you want, or the opposite to what you want?
Think about this seriously! The imbalance of the Court by Hillary's appointments will cause all Americans to have to live with her choices for many years to come. Not good!
This country has declined in morality much too far already and we need to get back to common sense morals that we all know are right.
Hillary cannot be trusted to tell the truth.
She will keep ObamaCare which most Americans hate. The costs will continue to escalate.
She is "pro-choice" which will continue to make this country guilty for allowing the killing of the unborn.
She, like most liberals, will raise taxes to try to get more money in the budget. That is not the way to pay off some of our national debt.
Cutting taxes will help business flourish and hire more workers. The government will receive more tax money from workers without raising tax rates and there will be greater prosperity in the land.
Like Obama, Hillary is in favor of allowing all sorts of deviant life styles, men with men, women with women, what will come next. Soon our children won't know what or who they are or where they came from. It is impossible for two men to produce a baby. It is impossible for two women to produce a baby. So where will the future generations come from?
There are so many other things, but I think, if you think, you get what I'm saying.
Pray for this nation.