Current events: Politics, Religion and all in between.

Friday, May 18, 2012


Are our elected officials in Washington doing the job they were put there to do? Why on earth can’t they abide by the U. S. Constitution concerning the qualifications of anyone filing to run for an elective office in the U. S. Government? Doesn’t anyone have the back-bone to stand up to the establishment?

To me, it is outrageous that we as Americans allowed someone who did not meet the requirements of the Constitution to be elected to a public office.

Who is responsible for vetting candidates? Most of the people who run for office, voluntarily fulfill the requirements. Someone who wants to bring our country to its knees would not follow the confines of the Constitution and would skirt these requirement.

Congress needs to immediately address this eligibility issue and designate who is responsible for seeing that it is carried out every time, beginning immediately. This needs to be done before the November election. It needs to apply to everyone of both parties equally, whether they are running for the first time, or are an incumbent.

We are so complacent in this country, with a standard of living for almost everyone that exceeds that of most of the rest of the world. We just sit in our comfort zone and ignore what is going on around us as long as we are o.k.

Edmund Burke is credited with saying: “The only thing necessary for the triumph [of evil] is for good men to do nothing.”

There have been so many destructive things done by the present administration in Washington that one would think that some severe actions against the perpetrators would have been taken on behalf of the citizenry.

Those legally elected to serve as representatives of a Republic are, by definition, SERVANTS of the people. The original members of the government were only part-time officials and the rest of the time was spent in their individual pursuits of farming or whatever trade they were in. They were not even paid.

When a country gets to the point where those elected to represent us do not, in fact, represent us, but their own interests, without regard for the people at large, they should be ejected from office and replaced by others who are willing to abide by the constitution.

We have our opportunity to do just this, to some extent, in November, but it will take action by all of us on the side of honesty, transparency and righteousness to accomplish.


Jay Hartline