Current events: Politics, Religion and all in between.

Monday, June 18, 2012


If you knew that as soon as Barack Obama is re-elected he will go back to his old game plan, of stopping all drilling for oil, continuing to fund Planned Parenthood, sell us out to be controlled by the United Nations and the global warming crowd, would you want him to be president?

Where does he stand on:

He is wholeheartedly in favor of destroying (another word is killing) unborn Americans. The government gives billions of our tax money to Planned Parenthood , so we as Americans are paying for this slaughter against our will.

Raising taxes:
Right now, he wants to raise the taxes of the very wealthy. That sounds pretty good to the down-and-outers, but the wealthy earned their money. They should pay their fair share, but the down-and-outers pay nothing. They are takers, not contributors.

He is pro-homosexual during the election campaign, to obtain the “gay” vote. Who knows what he’ll say if he gets re-elected. He won’t care, it will be his last term, so he can do whatever.

He wants to diminish the military until they aren’t strong enough to fight against the worlds enemies and America will be taken over by them.

It’s obvious that he is really a Muslim. He will not recognize the National Day of Prayer, but he will participate fully in Ramadan, a Muslim Holy day.

Muslim Brotherhood:
He says he is for democracy, but he is also for the Muslim Brotherhood which is in no way interested in democracy.

Occupy America:
He is for the Occupy movement, which is doing all kinds of evil, even to stabbing police officers and getting away with it.

The constitution of the U. S. A.:
He has NO respect for the U.S. Constitution, but does all kind of things that the constitution prohibits by executive-order.

Health Care:
He is for socialized medicine in order to gain the power of life and death over Americans. With him in office, it can only get worse, much worse, AND A LOT MORE EXPENSIVE.

Green energy:
He is trying to force Americans into using so-called “green” energy, even if it costs much more and gives us much less for our money. He specifies what kind of light bulbs we can use. How ridiculous is that?

United Nations:
He is for giving this country over to the United Nations. The UN wants to tax this country. They want control over the oceans. The members of the UN are mostly our enemies who want to take us down.

Illegal Immigration:
He will say or do about anything just to get your vote. His back-door amnesty for children of illegal immigrants is an example.

Realize that he has speech-writers who write all his speeches and he reads them from a teleprompter. He is saying the words from his czars and advisers, not necessarily his own. He is like a news reporter on TV, just reading what is scrolled by on the prompter, written by other reporters and which may not even be true.

