If you believe in the Creator of the universe, the one and only true God who came to earth in the person of Jesus, then there are certain givens that should guide you when you cast your ballot in November. It is not only a privilege, but our duty to vote.
First, God is the creator of everything, which includes human life. Every life is precious to God, and to terminate the life of the unborn is abominable to Him. Those who promote abortion are against God and should not be in our government. Many of our founders believed that a person must be a Christian to properly serve as president of this nation. How do you know if someone is a Christian? It is “by their actions” (fruits).
Secondly, God desires that we be moral, upright, and honorable, not seeking our own way for personal gain and pleasure, but following His precepts of love toward our fellow man. If we continue to depart from our faith in God, this country is doom to failure.
When anyone wants to “rule” others, he is not following God, but his own selfish desires. That’s why our founders gave us a Constitution that gives limited powers to president, congress and legislature (although these constitutional restraints have been largely trample upon by this president, claiming executive privilege). This is a travesty. If he is re-elected, he may declare himself “king” in the next four years.
We need to get back to the Constitution and stick closely to everything in it. Clearly, this president isn’t doing that.
So as I see it, we need to elect a new president as the first step toward moving back to a proper constitutional government. We need to pass the “balanced budget” amendment and never violate it again. We must become fiscally responsible to maintain our position in the world. We must strengthen our military, not weaken it; “peace through strength.” This doesn’t mean we jump into every conflict that arises between nations of the world; they should handle their own struggles.
We need a missile defense system to maintain the peace. This president wants to do away with defense completely. Why? Did you ever ask yourself why? He is following the Saul Alinsky model to change America into a Communist/Socialist nation. Everyone will then be equally poor except the rulers who will be rich.We will be driving around in little tin boxes with wheels that run off of who-knows-what for fuel.
By-the-way, they'll want us all to bow to a king.
My opinion. J. Hartline