Current events: Politics, Religion and all in between.

Thursday, June 7, 2012


So far, I have lived through thirteen U.S. Presidents. Some good, some much better than average, but two stand out as the worst: Jimmy Carter and Barack Obama. Of these two worst presidents, Obama is the WORST.

I understand that before I was born, there were presidents who tried to take this country into socialism (so call progressives), but the people of those days were better informed about the dangers of socialism than we are today, even with our much greater ability to communicate, and they intervened to stop it.

It seems that today most people like to go by their feelings, or who is the best “personality;” looking at the “rock-star” characteristics, not the “presidential” qualities.

We are, today, on a slippery-slope toward becoming a third-world country. If we continue another four years like the last four, I believe it will be so disastrous that we may never recover from it. Our economy is in serious trouble. This government has gone so far into debt, using wrong ideas that cannot solve the problems, but will simply postpone them to succeeding generations.  Our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren will be saddled with so much debt that they may never be able to get out from under it.

I, for one, do not want my descendants strapped by the acts of this president. It is so hard for young people to make a living these days. Many depend on a government check from Washington just to survive. Imagine when the government no longer has the funds to pay those checks. What will they do then? Unfortunately, many of the young people do not see the danger of what is coming, and will vote for the liberals to continue to be in charge in this country. God help them to wake up before it’s too late.

Our present administration, with all the Obama-appointed, unelected czars, has taken us to a very dangerous position. Almost all his appointees are socialists. It is obvious to me that their intentions are to destroy the economy of this country. It appears that they do not want to fix our problems, but to create as many new ones as possible.

Prayer, and even the mention of God, especially “Jesus,” is not allowed in our public schools. This country was founded on trust in God, and George Washington prayed, at the founding of this nation, for the protection of God to be upon it. He also said that if we ceased to follow God, his hand of protection would be removed from it.

The history books in our classrooms have been altered to not teach the truth about the history of the founding of America as a free and sovereign nation. There is an attempt to convey to students all the things that they say are wrong with America. Patriotism has diminished in this generation, because it is not being taught like it was in years past.

The destruction of the lives of the un-born is so rampant and this president is its strongest cheering section. Why is he so strongly behind Planned Parenthood, the biggest abortion mill in the nation; funneling millions of dollars to them of our taxpayer money to pay for destroying of human life, which the majority of the people abhor? 

The largest number of abortions is among the black community. Blacks were the target of the early pro-abortion groups, yet blacks still overwhelmingly support Barack Obama. Why is this? It would seem that they would be opposed to this outrage.

God told us in Genesis to be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth. That is how the earth population increased to what it is today. In our country, almost half the pregnancies end in abortion, while the Muslims and Mexicans and some others among us are having large families. We are not having enough children to replace ourselves. If this continues, we will become extinct through attrition.

In short, we need a change in leadership in this nation. Be sure to vote in November. Think about the direction you want this country to go and vote accordingly.
