Current events: Politics, Religion and all in between.

Thursday, August 30, 2012


We have all observed the consistent actions of President Obama and are accustomed to what direction he will go on each issue. He is way off course from what the majority of Americans want. Some of it is so “out of sight” that we find it hard to believe. So my mind has been made up for a long time on which way I will vote.

I will not vote for so called “pro-choice.” To kill is not a choice that anyone should be for. 

I will not vote for so called “gay-rights.” Gays already have the same rights as all of us; Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

I will not vote for anyone who is against America and wants to take us down; reduce our ability to defend this nation, tax us into poverty, make America devoid of faith in God, remove every mention of God from public places, etc. This is the work of fools according to the Scripture: “The fool has said in his heart, there is no God.”

I will not vote for anyone who says one thing just to get elected and then does another after he is securely in office. I have always been taught that, that was the definition of lying.

Politics has become a dirty business, full of phony promises, accusations, bribes and all kinds of chicanery. It doesn’t have to be that way, however, there those who will tell the truth and follow through on what they promise. Conservatives seem to be more reliable in being honest with their constituents.

I have been watching the main speeches at the Republican convention this week and I am enjoying the FRESHNESS of all the speakers. It feels like getting back to the moral ideas of my early years, which have been so eroded away. I love honesty, integrity and straight talk; no spin and no bologna. Just tell the truth and if you make a promise, keep it at all cost. If you don’t intend to keep a promise, don’t make it.

I don’t think we will watch much of the Democrat convention this time; we really know what to expect; the same old deception and spin that they are famous for. We don’t need that. I’m tired of Obama taking credit for things he didn’t do and blaming the former administration (from four years ago) for everything bad.

Please consider what your vote means. It can change the entire direction of our nation. Each vote is important, as it can be the deciding vote. Never think, “my vote doesn’t really matter.” If we all did that, think how we could end up, in dire straits.

We’re too far off course already; we need fresh people in our government to bring some sanity and to replace those who have sold out to the establishment; compromising to line their own pockets or to keep their position. 

Many voters in the election four years ago voted a straight ticket. So when they cast their vote for Obama, they were also voting for all the other Democrats for other offices. Sometime is is better to go one office at a time and pick the one who you believe will do the best job.

Don’t forget the most important thing of all; PRAY for God to give us the leaders He wants us to have. He sees the whole picture and has the ability to bless this nation. He can supply all our needs and lead us in the way we should go; the end of which is joy and peace.

God bless,
