I just heard on TV that this is the hottest summer in a hundred years. The truth is that it is the hottest in 94 years. Even that does not mean that it has broken a record for the hottest summer. 94 years ago, in 1918, it was the hottest summer on record and still is. There were few recordings of temperatures in the 1800s, so there is nothing to compare with, however, the temperatures in 1918 were well recorded.
Another hot summer was 1936 and the winter that followed was the coldest. Again in the 1950s it was very hot. And it those days, we had no air conditioning. Imagine that! And we survived it.
What we are experiencing now is not "man-made," but the cycles that the earth goes through, naturally. However, there are those who latch on to every so-called "crisis" to make it look like man is destroying the earth.
If natural disasters such as hurricanes, tornadoes, volcano, tsunamis, forest fires, earthquakes, etc. can't destroy the earth, what is mere man that anyone would think we could do it.
Every year there are many natural disasters. Forest fires release more hydrocarbons than all the automobiles on earth, and they have occurred for thousands of years. The earth recovers and replenishes, by design; it is made to heal itself. The same is true when volcanoes occur; remember the Mount St. Helens eruption in 1980, or if you're not old enough to remember it, Google it and read about it. It was considered a major eruption. That area has now mostly recovered and the soil is richer than before and growing crops again.
Don't let environmentalists fool you into believing their phony schemes. It's a major power-grab. They want control and they'll stoop to anything to achieve it.
On the political side:
These days, I don't believe anything the liberals say on their smear ads against the conservative candidate. Here again, we are dealing with unscrupulous people who want to always be in control and drag this country down to socialism. Tax and spend and spend and tax.
If you are conservative like me, make it the highest priority to vote in November.
God bless,
Current events: Politics, Religion and all in between.