For a long time I have thought about what it would be like to have Barack Hussein Obama re-elected in this country. For the last two weeks I have had grave concern about this.
His first four years have been worse than a disaster, yet I hear people that I consider perfectly sane and coherent voicing hope that he will be re-elected. I fear for this country if indeed he stays in office for another term. Why is it that I can see where he is headed with this country, but others don't have a clue?
There are so many issues with him that I hardly know where to start. The greatest fear I have is for our children and grandchildren.
The freedoms we have enjoyed in America for so many years are eroding away and many citizens are just going along with whatever Obama does as if we haven't the power in our constitution to do anything about it.
He bypasses congress on anything that he wants to do, that he can't get even the Democrat-controlled Senate to pass, yet our congressmen sit on their hands and don't do anything to intervene.
There are a lot of Senators and Representatives that need to be sent packing. We can do that in November, and if we will; if conservatives and especially Christian conservatives will vote, we can end this reign of terror and get back to sanity in this nation.
Don't believe the polls that are frequently quoted on TV, radio and newspapers, they vary all over the place. Pew research seems to be the worst, always showing Obama on top, Rasmussen seems to be the most accurate of the three major services, but the election can go very different to what they report in the polls.
Pray for the results that God wants in this election. He can see things that we cannot and, of course, we want His will to be done.
Current events: Politics, Religion and all in between.