Current events: Politics, Religion and all in between.

Monday, September 24, 2012


How can anyone who claims to be a Christian vote for someone who is openly Pro-Abortion? It doesn’t square with the truth of the Bible. God is Pro-life; otherwise none of us would even exist. 

Our Constitution is Pro-life; “life,” liberty and the pursuit of happiness. 

So, for someone to be Pro-abortion, they are going against God and our Constitution which is founded on the principles found in God’s word.

The same is true concerning homosexuality. The Bible says it is sin. Why would a candidate who says that he is for “sin,” claim to be a Christian. Immorality is not a Christian characteristic. 

A person who is committing sin of any kind can be forgiven if he repents (turns away) and asks God to save him, through Jesus. One who does not repent and receive the free gift of God, which is, eternal life through Christ Jesus, will not have everlasting life. It’s as simple as that. "The wages of sin is death." Eternal separation from God.

So many people in this nation have gotten so secularized that they have turned their attention away from God to pursue their lusts for things and acts that are an abomination to the God who made life possible for them. Even many Christians fall into this trap.

America needs an awakening in the hearts of her people and a return to the God of the Bible that our ancestors believed in. That is what this country was founded upon. This is the greatest nation in the world; only because of the divine blessings of a benevolent God. Our pledge of allegiance declares that we are “ONE NATION UNDER GOD,” but can that be true if we continue to ignore Him. 

When we get into a crisis, most people will pray; but are we thankful every day for all the great pleasures we have, or do we just take them for granted?

Imagine what your response would be to an ungrateful crowd of people if you had blessed them so abundantly and yet they used your name as a by-word and acted as if you didn’t exist.

We need to humble ourselves and pray and seek God’s face and turn from our wicked way, then, He will hear from heaven and forgive our sins and HEAL our LAND.

Without God’s favor and His intervention, four more years like the last four will take us so far down toward socialism that we may NEVER be able to recover. We can’t continue with a “president” who does almost NOTHING that is GOOD.