Current events: Politics, Religion and all in between.

Friday, September 14, 2012


The following is a direct quote from Paul Ryan’s speech on September 14th, 2012.

“It is true that President Obama had a lot of problems not of his own making. But he also came in with one-party rule, and the chance to do everything of his own choosing. The Obama economic agenda failed, not because it was stopped, but because it was passed.

And here is what we got: Prolonged joblessness across the country. 

Twenty-three million Americans struggling to find work.

Family income in decline. 

Fifteen percent of Americans living in poverty.”

What America needs NOW is leaders who can bring us out of the massive debt that Obama has gotten us into in his almost four years in office. We do not need to give him four more, unless we don’t  care what happens to America. Voting for a candidate just for the government handouts is insane; the government is us.

The Democrats’ TV advertisements are full of lies and half-truths, spun in an attempt to make Romney look bad. Personally, I’m tired of his same old song and dance with horrible end results. We need leaders who are not for the slaughter of babies. Planned Parenthood should have been shutdown many years ago. Congress can de-fund them whenever they decide we have had enough destruction of the helpless unborn. To have ever let this happen is a disgrace; to continue it is an abomination.
Let’s pray and vote this crowd out of office and give a fresh team the opportunity to turn us around. 

My opinion.