Current events: Politics, Religion and all in between.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Decimation of America

It becomes more obvious every day that Barrack Obama’s record in office is failure. He set out to fundamentally change America, without saying just what he would change. We now see that almost all of the change that he has brought about is negative.

This month has seen a vast increase in applications for disability, probably because people just can’t get work and they have to put bread on the table. We must get America back to work.

The Obama team has brought this nation further down financially and he claims his plans will bring it back if only we will give him more time. That’s a dangerous choice, allowing him more time to get his dirty work done.

Realize that if he were to be re-elected, he would have a free hand to finish the decimation of America (fundamental change) without worrying about re-election (since he can only have two terms at most). This means we will see the real Barrack Obama at work, something we haven’t seen yet, and it may be a great shock to everyone, even those who have voted him in, that we will be turned into a socialist state.

This is something that we must not let happen. I have already voted and if all Christians will vote for the only moral and decent choice they have, we can stop this reign of devastation.

My opinion,