Current events: Politics, Religion and all in between.

Friday, November 9, 2012


It seems that natural calamities have increased a lot in recent times; hurricane intensity, unusual snow storms, nor-easter, earthquakes, volcanic activity, etc.  Many are concerned about what is causing them. 

I'm beginning to agree somewhat with those who are claiming that climate change is partially caused by humans. However, before you think I have lost my mind, I am not referring to CO2 or Greenhouse gases, or any other type emissions from human activity; those have such a small effect that the natural system that God set up for this marvelous planet takes care of.

So what in the world could I mean by what I said in the opening line of this blog? To put it into a single statement: God cannot bless a nation of disinterested, foolish, corrupt people, bent on doing their own thing, in spite of what God set in order in creation.

First, many do not believe there is a God. They think their ancestors were slime from the ocean, but think about who put the ocean there. Take it a step further, who made the universe that supports life on this extremely unique planet that all humans call home? No matter how far you go back, you cannot prove how it all happened, but one thing is for sure, there had to be intelligence behind it, and that points to a creator, which is the only true God.

So what happens when we turn our backs on God and go our own foolish way, having what we think is "fun" or pleasure to satisfy our flesh? Well, God is merciful and slow to anger, but there comes a point when He removes His hand of protection from us and leaves us to whatever befalls us. This I call "cause and effect."

There is marvelous order to this creation, so we may fare well at times and at others we may have to take it in the chin, but I believe that when we acknowledge God through Jesus, He protects us from all kind of "traps" that we could fall into.

When we do things in direct opposition to God's word, He has no obligation to protect us any longer.

For example: If we leave the natural use of a woman and burn in our hearts for other men, this is against his natural order. The same applies to women with women.

The natural way is the only way that human beings can propagate the species, i.e., have offspring. For those who don't understand, I mean for a man and a woman to have babies so human beings do not die off by attrition.

Many people are bent on destroying life before it ever becomes manifest. I speak of the heinous crime of abortion. This is against our U. S. Constitution, yet our president supports it. Knowing this, it is beyond me how he got re-elected. Now we will have four more years on the slippery-slope.

More serious is that abortion is against God. It is an act of murder, which God speaks against in the ten commandments. (This is why so many, such as the ACLU, would try to remove the ten commandment from our schools and public places. They would like to do away with God himself, but He will have the last say.)

You can never get rid of God. Humans will all die at some point and will have to face the judgment of God. Will you be able to stand? Only if you have accepted Jesus as your savior and surrendered you life to His care.

I believe that when we are faithful to God, He protects us from many disastrous things that come into our lives. He said: "In this world you have tribulation, but be of good cheer,I have overcome the world."

Those who have never surrendered to God have blinders on their minds and cannot even believe in Him. It takes a desire to take a "leap of faith" to embrace Him so He can take the blinders away. I know, because I experienced this myself.

When I was thirty-nine years old, I accepted Jesus as my Savior. The day before, I had interest only   in my own pursuits. The day after, my entire direction changed. I despised the life I had been living and loved the things of God, which were so much more fulfilling, and in the end of my life on this earth, I will have eternal life. That's so much better than the pain and sorrow of living a life apart from God. I pray that you will seek Him with your whole heart, that you may find Him.

When those of us in this nation who are true Christians humble ourselves and pray, and seek God and turn from our wicked ways, He has promised that He will hear our prayers and HEAL OUR LAND.

God bless,
