Current events: Politics, Religion and all in between.

Friday, January 11, 2013


I served in the United States Army and fired an M-1 rifle with a rating of “expert.” I have never been a hunter, and I never owned a firearm in my life until a few months ago, when I purchased a shotgun. It is for protecting our home and property only. This is what we are authorized to do by the Constitution of the United States, and this is why the vast majority of gun-holders have guns. 

I was taught by my father to never point a gun at anyone unless you planned to kill them. This was to implant it forever in my mind that, even if it “wasn’t loaded,” you don’t point it at another person. That is how a lot of accidents have happened, thinking it wasn’t loaded when it actually was.

For this country to remain safe from those who would want to war against us, it is necessary for people to be armed. It is also a very good deterrent to anyone who might break into your home. 

If our government is able to accomplish what many of our leaders are calling for, we will soon be at the mercy of any enemy who wishes to come to our shores and attack us.

I am speaking of all the proposals for “gun control.” 

We must let our representatives in Congress know our desires concerning this issue or the law abiding citizens will soon be without a means to defend themselves and their families, while corrupt individuals will still have their arms and can rob us or kill us, or take over this country.

Without arms, will be set up to become a police state, with those presently in office in charge of what the police do and we will be at their mercy (of which they will have very little). 

China wants the U.S. to take all firearms away from individual citizens. Why would they want that? Is that so, whenever they decide to take over our country, they could walk in without firing a shot?

Those who came from Europe to settle the “new world” were all armed. They knew how important it was to be able to defend themselves and their new country from aggression. What is different about today?

You might think that there are more people wrongly using firearms now than in previous years, but the fact is, if you look at the number of people killed each year by the violence of others, it hasn’t increase all that much. We do have more mass killings than before, but those are people who are either crazy or on drugs, or just want to go out in ablaze of “glory.” They are not your average law-abiding citizens.

I am for steps to protect all people from atrocities, but I am not for disarming the entire population so that we have no defense. We can’t rely on our Police or service men, as effective as they are, because they could be out-numbered by enemies attacking our country. 

Keeping the people armed makes those who would do us harm afraid to attack us. Ronald Reagan built up our armed forces and missile defense as a means to deter aggression from our enemies, and it worked.

I love living in peace. We have long enjoyed peace on these shores to a great degree, but in a brief amount of time, that could be taken away, and we must be prepared to defend ourselves against it.

Those in Washington who are trying to take our guns are the same crowd that said: “Never let a good crisis go to waste.” They have wanted, for a long time, to disarm the population, so they are trying to seize upon the most recent killing-spree as a means to pass the legislation to do away with our means of defense. 
