Current events: Politics, Religion and all in between.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012


I'm glad to see that Michigan is changing to a "Right to Work" state. The unions have ruined the economy there by their high wages and demands that no group of people should ever be allowed to exercise over others. 

Unions started out with a good purpose in mind, because big factories were not paying their workers a decent wage. The unions broke that up and that was a good thing. Now the unions have expanded their hold on their workers to such a degree that the workers are supporting things they don't believe in just to keep their high paying jobs. Most, if not all, support the Democrats. But suppose you have a Republican union member. His dues also go to support Democrat candidates. Is that fair? You know it isn't.

The America free enterprise system exist to give every worker a fair shot at being successful in whatever occupation he (or she) desires. For any organization to have the power over who can work in a state is anti-American. People should be able to work in whatever occupation they are qualified for without the harassment of a union. 

I have seen some really nasty battles between unions and management in my life; some of them ending in death to some of the union members and the management side. Tempers get so heated up that people do to others that which they should never do, and they end up in prison or worse, losing their lives because of murdering another.

In America, the constitution insists that "all men are created equal." Not so in the big labor unions, they want to rule. God forbid.

President Obama is 100% behind the unions, when he should be supporting the "right to work." That's why I used the expression: "DON'T SHARE THE WEALTH, SHARE THE WORK." Give equal opportunity for everyone.

We need our president to be on the side of what is right, and not just those who supported him in the election. This is why I didn't support him; I know what side he is on and by the time this term is up, so will everyone in the country, because he has very little restraint on him. His big push in the next two years will be to get back control of the House of Representatives. If we allow this, he will go out in a "blaze of victory," bringing America to its knees.

We need to work diligently to win, not only the House, but the Senate as well so that the president's free-reign will be brought into balance as the founders intended.

My opinion.
